Most assume private healthcare to be complicated and costly, but Practice Plus Group are different. They provide a ‘self-pay’ service offering healthcare with honest and affordable pricing, up to 30% cheaper than their competition. Practice Plus Group’s challenge was that not many of the over-50 targets who need their services know about them. And it wasn’t hard to see why. All brands in this space look the same – brands stand for ‘care, quality and trust’ in colour palettes of blue and green images alongside grey-haired couples smiling at laptops together. But people turning 50 in 2023 included Idris Elba, Kate Beckinsale and Liam Gallagher – not granny and grandad.
The solution to this couldn’t just be a media plan, it needed a total communication strategy. So, in a pretty big leap for a media agency, we decided that the only way to reach this audience was to create an entirely new brand. From scratch. In four months.
We created a new contemporary modern healthcare brand called Wellsoon, in-house at Bountiful Cow.
The launch of a new ‘self-pay’ offer could potentially create more confusion in the market, so we wanted to communicate simple, honest propositions within a distinctive identity that would cut through the category sea of sameness. The new Wellsoon brand would live in every single touchpoint from PPC to the call centre, from advertising to the website, from social channels to the hospitals themselves. In four months of planning, the Wellsoon brand was born and launched, with activation in every single paid, owned and earned touchpoint. The website was redesigned, their call centre scripts were amended, and Wellsoon livery was installed in their hospitals and surgical centres. To market the new brand we ran Wellsoon ads in print, radio and social channels in the regions where their hospitals are based.
We saw a 47% increase in call volume during the 10-week campaign period versus the 10 weeks prior to launch, but the paid media element of this total communications campaign only tells part of the story. The cross-channel synergy of brand, messaging and experience has unlocked further budget to support the next phase of the strategy, which includes the launch of a Wellsoon branded hospital.
Alyson Lockley, Chief Marketing Officer at Practice Plus Group said, “The BC team has overseen the launch of an entirely new brand in Wellsoon from Practice Plus Group and delivered a full-service roster of strategic, creative, media and insight support. BC has seamlessly managed every stage of our brand journey and we see this work as being key to unlocking additional growth this year.”